Assignment 2 is due 2/9/22 2/11/22 on or before 11:59:59pm MST.

Part 1 — Make this (25 points)

All of the coding assignments in this course (including Parts 2 and 3 of this assignment) allow you to write your assignment in any programming language. To allow this, you will need to write a Makefile that creates an executable file based on your source code.

In this assignment, you’ll practice writing a Makefile for two different types of programs, one a C program that must be compiled, and the other a Python program.

Here are some Makefile resources:

C Program Makefile (50%)

The C Program Makefile must compile the file c_program.c into the executable c_program.

Assume that your C Program Makefile is called Makefile and is in the same directory as the c_program.c, and therefore, when you run make in that directory, the compiled program c_program is created using gcc.

Also, your C Program Makefile must recompile the binary when c_program.c changes when you run make again.

This means that:

  1. Run make.
  2. Execute ./c_program.
  3. Edit the source code c_program.c (change the strings, for instance).
  4. Run make.
  5. Execute ./c_program and verify that the changes you made in step 3 are reflected.

Python Makefile (50%)

Use a separate directory than the C Program Makefile.

The Python Makefile must use the file to create an executable file called python_program.

Assume that your Python Makefile is called Makefile and is in the same directory as the, and therefore, when you run make in that directory, your Python Makefile will create a python_program executable.

Also, your Python Makefile must recreate python_program when changes and you run make again.

This means that:

  1. Run make.
  2. Execute ./python_program.
  3. Edit the source code (change the strings, for instance).
  4. Run make.
  5. Execute ./python_program and verify that the changes you made in step 3 are reflected.

There are several ways to approach this (because there’s nothing to compile). For instance, you can take advantage of the shebang functionality, which allows a file that can be interpreted to be executed. This requires that the file is executable (chmod +x filename).

Submission Instructions

Submit on GradeScope to the Python Makefile assignment and to the C Makefile assignment.

Part 2 — Commands (25 points)

One of the ways that programs receive input from users is through command line arguments. We will also use this in future assignments.

Your goal is to write, in any language, a program which first prints out the number of command line arguments and the next line prints them out in reverse order, separated by space (so that the last command line argument is printed first).

The name of your program will be called command.


When your program is executed with the following:

./command foo bar

It must output exactly:

bar foo

Other examples:





./command a b "test input" c d e


e d c test input b a


Your program must work on Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit with the default packages installed.

In addition to the default packages, the following packages for languages are also installed:

  • C (gcc)
  • C+++ (g++)
  • Java (default-jre and default-jdk)
  • Rust (rustc)
  • Ruby (ruby-full)
  • Node.js (nodejs and npm)
  • Mono (Custom install)
  • Go (1.15.6, custom install)

If there’s a package that you need, please ask on the course piazza and I’ll have it installed for everyone. Java is already installed.

You’ll also need to write a Makefile that, when the make command is run, will create the executable called command.

Java Helper

Doing this in Java is much more complex than other languages, because you cannot just execute a .class file.

Therefore, we’ve created the following Makefile and scripts to get you started. Note that these assume that your Java program is called and implements a class called Commands. Change the files to match your program/needs.

Submission Instructions

Submit on GradeScope your source code, along with a Makefile (called Makefile) and a README. The Makefile must create your executable, called command, when make is ran. Your README file must be plain text and should contain your name, ASU ID, and a description of how your program works.

Part 3 — Secure this house (50 points)

Your goal is to write, in any language, a program which implements the given security policy. The security policy will be based on our in-class discussion of the security policy for a house.

The name of your house simulator will be called secure_house.


Only users with an authorized key can enter the house. To enter the house, the user must first:

  1. Insert their key in the lock
  2. Turn the key in the lock
  3. Enter the house

Note that testing if a key is valid is done only when the key is turned.

For turning the key and entering the house, it must be the same user that puts the key in the lock, turns the key, and enters the house.

A house can be rekeyed (this means that the old keys are no longer useable) with new keys only by the owner.

It is only physically possible to rekeyed the house when there is no key in the lock. For instance, there will never be a rekey between inserting a key and turning a key, or after turning a key successfuly and entering the house.

There is only one lock and one door. The lock will always be accessed in the following way:

  1. insert key
  2. turn the key
  3. enter the house

Other commands can be issued in between insert, turn, and enter.

For example, the following situations will never happen:

  • insert, enter
  • insert, turn, insert
  • turn, enter
  • insert, turn, turn, enter


You must implement the following command-line interface for your server:

./secure_house <owner_name> <key_1> <key_2> ... <key_n>

where <owner_name> is the name of the owner, and <key_1> through <key_n> are all authorized keys for the house.

All inputs to the program (keys and names) will be [a-zA-Z0-9_\-] (alphanumeric, underscore, and dash). All matching is case-sensitive.

The input to your program (on standard input) will be a series of events separated by a newline. Your program must track these events and respond appropriately, while enforcing the security policy.

Every input will end in a newline, and every response must end in a newline.

Your program must continue to process input until there is no input left. How you do this will vary by programming language, try Googling for “End of file” (or EOF) and your programming language.

You can simulate EOF on the command line by pressing CTRL-D (more info on this stackoverflow post).

INSERT KEY <user_name> <key>

<user_name> inserts key key into the door. Response should be: KEY <key> INSERTED BY <user_name>

TURN KEY <user_name>

<user_name> turns the key in the door. Possible responses are: SUCCESS <user_name> TURNS KEY <key> or FAILURE <user_name> UNABLE TO TURN KEY <key>

ENTER HOUSE <user_name>

<user_name> enters the house. Possible responses are: ACCESS DENIED or ACCESS ALLOWED.


Who is currently inside the house? Response must be a comma-separated list of user names, ordered by access time (earlier access first): <user_name_1>, <user_name_2>, <user_name_3>... or NOBODY HOME if there are no users in the house.

CHANGE LOCKS <user_name> <key_1> <key_2> ... <key_n>

<user_name> wishes to rekey the house with new given keys <key_1>, <key_2>, ..., <key_n>. Possible responses are: ACCESS DENIED or OK

LEAVE HOUSE <user_name>

<user_name> leaves the house. Possible responses are: OK or <user_name> NOT HERE

Note that all test cases will be valid according to this specification. To make it easier, if any events are received that are not according to this specification, the response should be: ERROR.


Running the program as follows:

./secure_house selina foobar key2 key3

Given the input:

INSERT KEY adam key
INSERT KEY pat foobar

The program must produce the following output:

KEY foobar INSERTED BY pat


Your program must work on Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit with the default packages installed.

In addition to the default packages, the following packages for languages are also installed:

  • C (gcc)
  • C++ (g++)
  • Kotlin 1.4.21 (Custom install)
  • PHP 7.2 (php-cli)
  • Python 2 (python)
  • Python 3 (python3)
  • Java (default-jre and default-jdk)
  • Rust (rustc)
  • Ruby (ruby-full)
  • Node.js (nodejs and npm)
  • Mono (Custom install)
  • Go (1.15.6, custom install)

If there’s a package that you need, please ask on the course piazza and I’ll have it installed for everyone. Java is already installed.

If you need to set up a virtual machine for your development: VirtualBox is a free and open-source VM system.

We’ve created a test script called to help you test your program before submitting.

  1. Download to the directory where your code lives (including README and Makefile).
  2. Ensure that is executable: chmod +x
  3. Run: ./

There is also a that gives you the output of your program. This can help you with debugging when the program appears to work from the command line, but not in the script (it’s happened before).

Your program must be able to accept arbitrarily large input (and this will be tested by the autograder).

Submission Instructions

Submit on GradeScope your source code, along with a Makefile and README. The Makefile must create your executable, called secure_house, when the command make is ran. Your README file must be plain text and should contain your name, ASU ID, and a description of how your program works.